Aloe Body Toning Kit is a D.I.Y. body wrap designed to help trim, tone, tighten and reshape your body.
It combines the penetration power of aloe with select European herbs and 2 heating agents, cinnamon oil and capsicum.
This deep-heating cream gradually warms and stimulates the skin to release trapped fluids and minimize the appearance of cellulite.

Maklumat lanjut :
Maklumat Tentang Peluang Perniagaan Klik SINI
Tips Bakar Lemak Tanpa Bersenam Klik SINI
Tips Hilangkan Perut Buncit Klik SINI
Tips Hilangkan stretch mark & selulit Klik SINI
Testimoni : Turun Dari 114kg Ke 59kg Klik SINI
Rahsia : 99 Hari, Turun 26kg Klik SINI